Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

Qualify is fully committed to the safety, protection, and wellbeing of all children and young people in our care. We recognise our responsibility to create a child-safe environment that ensures children are protected from abuse, harm, and exploitation. This commitment is guided by the Victorian Child Safe Standards, which underpin our policies, procedures, and practices.
We commit to:

Creating a safe environment

where all children, including First Nations children, children with disabilities, and those from diverse cultural backgrounds, feel respected, included, and valued.

Upholding the rights of children

by fostering their ability to speak openly about concerns, participate in decisions affecting them, and ensuring they know their rights to safety, information, and participation.

Zero tolerance for abuse

by implementing a code of conduct that clearly outlines appropriate behaviour and actions. We maintain policies that identify, prevent, and address risks of abuse or harm.

Encouraging community involvement

engaging families and the broader community in safeguarding practices, and maintaining transparency in how we protect children.

Continuous improvement

in child safety by regularly reviewing our policies and practices, learning from incidents, and acting on feedback from children, families, and staff.

Ensuring staff and volunteer suitability

by conducting proper background checks, providing ongoing training, and supporting staff to understand their responsibilities regarding child safety.

Responding swiftly to concerns

by having clear, accessible processes for complaints and ensuring they are addressed with seriousness and cultural sensitivity.


We are committed to the ongoing work of keeping children safe and ensuring their wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do.
